Monday, January 19, 2009


This last Thursday was my Dare graduation dare is a system where you learn to say no to drugs and this is what it stands for D drug A abuse R resistance E education. At the dare graduation a former Miss Utah came and told us a very very sad story about how she lost her bother to drugs and we got to try on her crown.(haha even the boys!) Too bad my parents didn't come so I went with Mckayla. But my dad knew but he had a doctors app. and my mom just forgot so my dad picked my up a doxzen roses it was worth not having them there and getting the roses!!haha here are some pics.


TuMbLiNgChIcK said...

awww hot girls! (:

Tony said...

Hey Kennah!!!!
DARE graduation was SOO much fun! Especially cause, you got to ride home with me! Love ya Kennah!!!
Love, Hershie